Friday, January 14, 2011


On Sunday snow fell from the sky and covered most of the state of SC in blanket of white. School was canceled Monday, so I got to play in the snow all day, but in the afternoon it begain to sleet. Very quickly a layer ice had covered the snow, the roads, and trees.
In the morning everything was shiny and pretty, but we couldn't go anywhere without falling on our buts. We were trapped! This continued for two-ish days. In that short amount of time my whole family got cabin fever, and we all went crazy.Thursday we were finally able to venture out into the world again.
This whole week I have missed school, and to some people that is a good thing, but to me it isn't that great. This week I was supposed to have midterm exams, and now they have been pushed back. I'm not happy, but I guess I will live.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Best Christmas Ever!!!!

This year I had the best Christmas ever. As the title of this post indicated. Would you like to hear why I had a great Christmas? I geuss you would, but be warned you will expierence jealousy brought on by how awesome my Christmas was. If you don't want to expierence this sensation then look away now!
The weekend before Christmas my family went to Universal Studios. There we went to Harry Potter World, and I got to live my dream of going to Hogsmeade and Hogwarts.
For Christmas I got a Nerf Gun, jewlery, and many other amazing gifts. Christmas night it started to snow, and I got my first white Christmas!
Now aren't you jealous? I told you didn't I? I was right. I warned you, and now you know to take my warnings seriously right? Good.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Well the scariest time of year is amost here. Halloween is this Sunday. Time to stock up on candy, get decorations, and a costume if you like Halloween. If you don't like Halloween (like me [imaginary audience gasps]) then it is time to hide in the dark in your house so little brats don't ring your doorbell asking for candy, or book a vacation somewhere far away.
Thankfully this year I have a wedding to go to on Halloween weekend, so, yeah I don't have to get fat off of candy, look ridiculous in a costume, or give out candy to grabby little kids. Ugh.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cow Eye

Today in science we had to dissect a cow eye. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Gross. Ick. Yuck. How many disgusted words can you come up with? Huh? Huh, punk? (gets closer to the screen as I say that) Sorry. Got a little excited there.
Yeah, anyway......the cow eye was so gross. The liquid inside was icky, and so was the jelly stuff. TMI. I know right. Teenage moment. Shyah. Sorry again.(Hits hand to make sure I don't do it again)
One of my friends wrote this really depressing story about a cow whos mom got taken away, and killed. It was so depressing I started crying. When I was dissecting the eye I got so sad when I thought about the little orphan cow. (eyes begin to tear up) Hold your self together. (takes a deep breath) There all better. Better finish before I start bawling. So when you have to dissect any part of an animal don't think about an orphan whos mommy your dissecting. Sorry to plant that image in your head. Now don't you just want to go hug a cow? 'Cause I do. Well bye I'm going to go hug a big brown cow now.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


October is know as the month that has Halloween in it. Yeah ok people don't really call it that but i'm tired and coulnd't think of anything else. For all you people out there who love Halloween good for you. I hate it (imaginary audience gasps) there I said it go ahead and pumell me to a crisp. I don't care. This is America where we are free to express our feelings. Ha got you there didn't I.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Book Beginnings

I have always had a passion for writing, and have always dreamed of writing a book. Just lately I have come up with the best idea ever after scraping my brain tissue for ideas. To this I say Huzzah!
Now no spoilers so I won't tell what my book is about, but I will tell that writing a book is alot harder than it seems. With some help from my English teacher's assignment today I was able to create an excerpt from my book.
No I will not let you see it, you'll just have to wait until it is published.
I will let out that it is called "The Town", and before you ask, no it has nothing to with the movie that came out a couple of weeks ago. So don't ask.
Wish me luck, and be sure to buy my book when it comes to a Barnes and Noble near you.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Life's Questions

Have you ever thought about all those unanswered questions of life. Like if one sinchronized swimmer started to drown would the others drown too? Or how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Or what is the meaning of life?
Well the last one has already been answered. The meaning of life is 42. If any you have the answer to any these question let it out. Tell the world. We all want to know.